(in personal capacity; the professions or institutions are only
given for informational purposes)
André, President, Cercle Philosophique d'Alsace
du Nord
Olivier Andreu, Directorate of Risk Control, Presidency,
Dr. Ariel Bendavid, general practitioner, Schiltigheim
Marie Anne Isler Béguin, member and former Vice-President,
Alain Beretz, President, University
of Strasbourg
Bilger, Professor of Economy, former deputy-mayor, former
President of Port Autonome de Strasbourg
Jens-Peter Bonde, President of the EUDemocrats,
former President of the Independence/Democracy Group, European
Raouf Bouderbala, Treasurer, Cercle Philosophique
d'Alsace du Nord
François Capber, President of the Ecomusée
d'Alsace, former director of the Banque Populaire du Haut-Rhin
Isabel Castro, Assistant Director, Eurimages,
Council of Europe
Marie-Christine Creton, Director, INSA
- Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Strasbourg
Cécile Dupeux, Director of the Musée
Notre-Dame de Strasbourg
Monique Fabian, Teacher, FRENE Alsace; Treasurer of Plurielles,
President, Association Quartier libre réseau socio-culturel
Francois Galichet, emeritus professor, Institut
Universitaire Formation des Maitres, Alsace, author of “L’éducation
à la citoyenneté”
Cristina Gonzales, English lanuguage teacher, Crealingua
Dr. Ghislaine Faudi-Beretz, general
practitioner, Strasbourg
Laurent Hincker, advocate, secretary-general of l'AFREDH
(Association for Training and Research on Human Rights)
Makram Hage Ali, physicist, research department, Laboratoire
Sami Hage-Ali, member of the board of governors, Ingénieurs
sans Frontières; student, Ecole Centrale de Lilles
Dominique Hoeffel, advocate, former parliamentary attaché
of Senator Daniel Hoeffel
Alain Howiller, journalist, writer, former chief editor
of Dernières
Nouvelles d'Alsace
Amanda Hutchings, sales manager, Hotels Hilton (Barcelone)
Emile Jung, head chef, Le
Crocodile, Strasbourg
Princesse Esther Kamatari du Burundi, candidate for the
presidential elections of Burundi in 2005
Roberto Laporta, President de l'Association des accidents
médicaux, former director of Administrative services of
the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
Henri Lezec, director of research, Institut
de science et d'ingénierie supramoléculaires, CNRS-ULP
Kai Littmann, President Forum
citoyen Eurodistrict
Rinaldo Locatelli, former Secretary-General, Congress
of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council
of Europe
Jean-Pierre Massué, Nuclear physicist, member
of the European
Academy of Arts and Sciences, former Executive Secretary of
EUR-OPA, Major Risks convention of the Council of Europe
Naira Melikyan, teacher of Russian
Right Reverend Venuste Mutiganda, Bishop of the Diocese
of Butare, Rwanda
Valérie Péard, Vice-President du Mouvement
Européen Alsace; Direction Générale de
l'Administration et de la Logistique, Conseil
de l'Europe
Liliane Pajak Adinolfi, Vice-President,
The Catholic European Study and Information Centre
Esther Peter-Davis, founder of ECO-Conseil,
Institut Européen de Conseil en Environnement
Ali Rastbeen, director, Institut
International d'Etudes Géostratégiques, Paris
Sandrine Rausch-Amrhein, company director
Marielle Reiss, director, Ashburn
Daniel Riot, journalist, director de la rédactíon
européenne, FR3
Viviane Schaller, biologist, manager, Laboratoire
d’Analyses Schaller
Françoise Tondre, Responsible for European Cultural
Routes, Council of
Christian Wilhelm, Secretary-General of l'Ordre
des Experts-Comptables d'Alsace
Roger Winterhalter, President of the Maison
de la Citoyenneté Mondiale de Mulhouse, former Mayor
of Lutterbach, Alsace