School of Democracy
École de la Démocratie | Schule der Demokratie
    Scuola della Democrazia | Escuela de la Democracia


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Objectives and mission


Members (in personal capacity; the professions or institutions are only given for informational purposes)

Bernard André, President, Cercle Philosophique d'Alsace du Nord
Olivier Andreu,
Directorate of Risk Control, Presidency, EdF
Dr. Ariel Bendavid
, general practitioner, Schiltigheim
Marie Anne Isler Béguin,
member and former Vice-President, European Parliament
Alain Beretz
, President, University of Strasbourg
François Bilger, Professor of Economy, former deputy-mayor, former President of Port Autonome de Strasbourg
Jens-Peter Bonde,
President of the EUDemocrats, former President of the Independence/Democracy Group, European Parliament
Raouf Bouderbala
, Treasurer, Cercle Philosophique d'Alsace du Nord
François Capber
, President of the Ecomusée d'Alsace, former director of the Banque Populaire du Haut-Rhin
Isabel Castro
, Assistant Director, Eurimages, Council of Europe
Marie-Christine Creton,
Director, INSA - Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Strasbourg
Cécile Dupeux
, Director of the Musée Notre-Dame de Strasbourg
Monique Fabian
, Teacher, FRENE Alsace; Treasurer of Plurielles, President, Association Quartier libre réseau socio-culturel
Francois Galichet
, emeritus professor, Institut Universitaire Formation des Maitres, Alsace, author of “L’éducation à la citoyenneté”
Cristina Gonzales
, English lanuguage teacher, Crealingua
Dr. Ghislaine Faudi-Beretz, general practitioner, Strasbourg
Laurent Hincker,
advocate, secretary-general of l'AFREDH (Association for Training and Research on Human Rights)
Makram Hage Ali
, physicist, research department, Laboratoire PHASE, CNRS
Sami Hage-Ali,
member of the board of governors, Ingénieurs sans Frontières; student, Ecole Centrale de Lilles
Dominique Hoeffel
, advocate, former parliamentary attaché of Senator Daniel Hoeffel
Alain Howiller
, journalist, writer, former chief editor of Dernières Nouvelles d'Alsace
Amanda Hutchings
, sales manager, Hotels Hilton (Barcelone)
Emile Jung,
head chef, Le Crocodile, Strasbourg
Princesse Esther Kamatari du Burundi
, candidate for the presidential elections of Burundi in 2005
Roberto Laporta
, President de l'Association des accidents médicaux, former director of Administrative services of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
Henri Lezec
, director of research, Institut de science et d'ingénierie supramoléculaires, CNRS-ULP
Kai Littmann
, President Forum citoyen Eurodistrict
Rinaldo Locatelli, 
former Secretary-General, Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe
Jean-Pierre Massué,
Nuclear physicist, member of the European Academy of Arts and Sciences, former Executive Secretary of EUR-OPA, Major Risks convention of the Council of Europe
Naira Melikyan
, teacher of Russian
Right Reverend Venuste Mutiganda,
Bishop of the Diocese of Butare, Rwanda
Valérie Péard,
Vice-President du Mouvement Européen Alsace; Direction Générale de l'Administration et de la Logistique, Conseil de l'Europe
Liliane Pajak Adinolfi, 
Vice-President, The Catholic European Study and Information Centre
Esther Peter-Davis
, founder of ECO-Conseil, Institut Européen de Conseil en Environnement
Ali Rastbeen,
director, Institut International d'Etudes Géostratégiques, Paris
Sandrine Rausch-Amrhein
, company director
Marielle Reiss,
director, Ashburn Institute
Daniel Riot
, journalist, director de la rédactíon européenne, FR3 Europe
Viviane Schaller,
biologist, manager, Laboratoire d’Analyses Schaller
Françoise Tondre,
Responsible for European Cultural Routes, Council of Europe
Christian Wilhelm,
Secretary-General of l'Ordre des Experts-Comptables d'Alsace
Roger Winterhalter
, President of the Maison de la Citoyenneté Mondiale de Mulhouse, former Mayor of Lutterbach, Alsace



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Genesis, history &
progress of project
Honorary Council
Some members
How to help or participate
Definitions of democracy

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Contact: ASED, 31 Boulevard de la Marne, 67000 Strasbourg | Tel 33-388-614628 | Email: